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Layer Mash
Piers Feed's own premium Layer Mash for poultry. Bagged and stored right here at Piers Feed. Ready for in store pick up!
LAMB & Rice 30#
30 pound bag of premium dog food.

The ingredients in Exclusive® Pet Food were chosen to give today’s dogs what they’ve always liked, and what they’ve always needed: real meat and real protein. It was true when dogs lived in the wild, and it’s true toda
Straw Bale
High quality straw bales straight from Holland farms. These bales are tied, stored and loaded right into your truck here at Piers feed and country store.
Steer 75#
Piers Steer Feed is packed full of oats, corn, molasses, Kalmbach Feeds base mix. Our Steer Feed is mixed and bagged on site at Piers Feed. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) there are 25–33 million head of feed cattle moving
Layena Pellets 16%
Purina Layena Pellets Premium Layer Feed is formulated with the optimum nutrition for healthy birds and nutritious eggs. This chicken feed is a 16%-protein, high-calcium ration formulated with prebiotics, probiotics and yeast for top-producing laying hens
Chicken & Rice 30#
30 pound bag of premium Exclusive dog food.

The exceptional ingredients in Exclusive® Dog Food were chosen to give today’s dogs what they’ve always liked, and what they’ve always needed: real meat and real protein. It was true when dogs lived in the wi
Michigan Oats
Oats locally grown and sown in the fields near Piers Feed and Country store. The oats are unwashed, they are bagged on site at Piers Feed in 50lb bags
Seniority Textured
50 pound bag of premium senior Tribute horse feed.
A textured complete feed designed for mature horses.
Essential K Fly Control
The same Essential K you love now with Clarifly, for feed-through fly control
Grass Hay
Hay or grass is the foundation of the diet for all grazing animals and can provide as much as 100% of the fodder required for an animal. Hay is usually fed to an animal in place of allowing the animal to graze on grasses in a pasture, particularly in the
Piers Special Blend 40#
40 pound bag of piers special blend bird seed.
GO Organic Layer
Premium Organic Feed made right here in Michigan.
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