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Layer Mash
Piers Feed's own premium Layer Mash for poultry. Bagged and stored right here at Piers Feed. Ready for in store pick up!
Steer 75#
Piers Steer Feed is packed full of oats, corn, molasses, Kalmbach Feeds base mix. Our Steer Feed is mixed and bagged on site at Piers Feed. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) there are 25–33 million head of feed cattle moving
Piers Special Blend 40#
40 pound bag of piers special blend bird seed.
50# Goat
50 pound bag of premium goat feed, mixed and bagged right here at Piers feed and Country Store.

Goats are reputed to be willing to eat almost anything, including tin cans and cardboard boxes. While goats will not actually eat inedible material, they ar
Hog 75#
75 Pound bag of premium Hog feed, mixed and bagged right here at Piers feed and Country Store.
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